How to choose the right hotel room

Reading Bed Hotel

Going on vacation, we try to collect as much information about the country that we intend to visit. However, quite often many people completely forget about such an important and responsible moment as accommodation in a hotel.

Yes, many are well aware of the "star" of hotels, but they overlook the types of rooms in the hotel. But the quality of rest directly depends on the type of rooms.

So, the types of rooms. They can be divided conditionally as follows. The most common types of rooms are:

  • Standard

  • Suite

  • Family Room

  • Deluxe

  • Aportament

Of course, names in a foreign language are not understandable for every Russian tourist. Therefore, consider each type of number individually.


With the decipherment of the name of this type of number, there are usually no difficulties. This is a standard room. The room is very modestly furnished, besides it does not have a large area. The room consists of a bedroom and a combined bathroom.


This room is different from the standard room, in that it is usually larger in size, with improved repair. It has more comfortable and expensive furniture.

Family Room

This is a family room. In size, it is always larger than the standard one.


Strongly different from all of the above. This is a superior room. There is a bedroom and a living room. Repair in this room strikes sophistication and high cost. The same can be said about the furnishing. By its comfort, it is second only to such type of rooms as Aportament. Aportament is a room consisting of several rooms.

Less common are such types of rooms as BaiconyRoom (room with balcony), DuplexRoom (two-storey room), KingRoom (room with a large bed), MainBuilding (MB) (main building), Bungalow (bungalow), Chale annex to the main building of the hotel ), Cottag (cottage), Villa (detached building).

A separate view of the rooms in the hotels should be considered numbers with a certain view from the window. It is a room with a sea view (SeaViev), a room overlooking the pool (PooLView), a room with a garden or park view (GardtnView) and a room with a mountain view (MountainVien).

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