What are the advantages and disadvantages of the All-on-4

Do you want fixed dentures on implants that will put a smile on your face on the day of treatment?

Only four implants per jaw are required for the All-on-4 treatment concept

With the All-on-4 concept, this is possible! All fixed teeth are attached to just four implants in a single session. Now you are probably wondering whether this type of denture is also suitable for you and how the treatment works.

What makes the All-on-4 concept so unique?

Only four implants per jaw are required for the All-on-4 treatment concept. The special feature is the position of the dental implants used: two dental implants are anchored straight in the front tooth area and two implants are anchored at an angle of 35 to 45 degrees in the side tooth area.

Benefits of All on 4

The All-on-4 treatment concept has several advantages for patients. These include:

  • Shorter treatment time and lower costs as fewer dental implants are required
  • The patient receives fixed dentures on only four implants per jaw in just one day
  • There is no longer any waiting time for the fixed fitting
  • The denture can be loaded immediately
  • Very stable hold
  • Also possible with a poor bone structure

Disadvantages of All-on-4

But the all-on-4 treatment concept also has disadvantages that need to be weighed up. These include:

  • Early loading of dental implants may cause problems
  • The dentures are difficult to clean and require a lot of discipline in oral hygiene
  • Inflammation is possible - the All-on-4 concept is therefore less suitable for patients with an increased risk of peri-implantitis (inflammation of the dental implants). There are also semi-fixed, implant-supported dentures for them that are removable and therefore easy to clean.

Since the All-on-4 treatment concept is still very new, there is a lack of long-term experience with dentures. The treatment concepts All-on-6 in the lower jaw and All-on-8 in the upper jaw have been tried and tested in practice for some time. Two more dental implants are placed in the upper jaw because the lower and upper jaw differs in bone structure. The lower jaw is more compact and allows better support for the denture so four-six implants are sufficient here.

For Whom Is The All-on-4 Solution Useful?

An All-on-4 treatment concept is an option for you if you have an edentulous jaw, or your existing teeth have to be removed and you want a fixed denture. Even if you can't get along with your removable dentures or have health problems as a result, it makes sense to consider the All-on-4 method. We recommend the All-on-4 concept to all patients who want fixed teeth or who no longer have sufficient bone substance in the rear area due to long-term toothlessness.

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