First aid kit of a tourist

first-aid kit
Travel is not always positive emotions, sometimes, fortunately not very often, there are also negative ones. For example - the most various injuries received on rest, poisoning, burns, sunstroke, hypothermia, and just malaise. In this section we will tell you how to collect a tourist first-aid kit and what medicines to put there.

What medicines to put?

Use only proven means, as on unknown drugs you may have an allergic reaction. Drugs in the first aid kit of the tourist should be placed only with an expired shelf life, and also choose those that can be used "in haste", for example, without dissolving in water. If you have any chronic diseases, be sure to put in the medicine chest preparations for their treatment: another climate or kitchen can cause an exacerbation of your chronic illness.

The composition of the first aid kit

The composition of the tourist first-aid kit most often directly includes medicines, various instruments like thermometer or scissors, dressings, as well as paramedical preparations like mosquito antiseptic or hand antiseptic.

The most common ailments while traveling

Cuts, wounds and abrasions
Poisoning or immunity to the local kitchen
Solar burns
Temperature of different nature

List of medicines in the medicine cabinet

Antipyretics: Aspirin, Analgin, Paracetamol, Nurofen, Teraflu;
With headache: Pentalgin, Tempalgin, Analgin, Citramon;
Painkillers: Solpadein, Spazgan, Baralgin;
In diseases of the respiratory system (pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, etc.): Pharyngocept, Bromhexin, Cadelac, Cameton;
Drops in the nose in diseases of the nose: Pinosol, Galazolin;
With disorders of the digestive system: Activated charcoal, levomycitin, Festal, Mezim-forte, Smecta, Imodium;
In the case of allergies: Suprastin, Tavegil, Claritin, Loratadin, Zodak;
Cardiovascular agents: Valocordin, Corvalol, Validol;
Antiseptics of external action: Zelenka, Hydrogen peroxide, Ethyl alcohol, Iodine;
Means used in the defeat of the eyes and ears: Albucid, Sofradex;
From "sea sickness" and motion sickness and nausea: Aeron, bonin, air-sea, drama.

List of tools in the medicine cabinet

Scissors (remember that in hand luggage with scissors not miss);
Thermometer (electronic, not mercury!).

Paramedic drugs

Sunscreens and skin care products after exposure to the sun;
With sunburn: Panthenol spray;
Dressing material: adhesive plaster, bandage, cotton balls;
Remedies for insect bites;
Condoms (just in case);
Means for the disinfection of hands.

Please note that some countries have their own customs rules that prohibit the importation of medicines. As a rule, no one checks the luggage of tourists, but nevertheless check the contents of your first aid kit for compliance with the customs regulations of the country of your trip. It may also be that some drugs (slimming drugs, antidepressants, antibiotics) can be banned or allowed to be imported only on prescription!

What else? Before a trip always make out the medical insurance: its cost is cheap in relation to the budget of the trip, but the help rendered under the insurance can be irreplaceable. Especially the services of medical care in other countries can be very expensive.

Gather a tourist first-aid kit right now and be healthy and calm in your journey!

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