Trail Haiku: mysterious "ladder to heaven" in Hawaii

Trail Haiku: mysterious ..ladder to heaven.. in Hawaii

Every year, thousands of tourists come to the Hawaiian island of Oahu, because it is home to the world famous Haiku trail, the "ladder to heaven", as local residents call it. In the distant 1943 the path was built as a connecting bridge between two valleys, today the path has become one of those mysterious places that attract tourists from all over the world.

By the way, the idea of connecting two valleys, Haiku and Wahiawa, was not spontaneous. The fact is that the Americans were afraid of the attack of the Japanese military, and it was incredibly difficult to provide a fairly stable connection on the island without a cable.

Climbing the path is a matter for real Spartans, because the height of the trail is 851 m. It's almost 4000 steps, which can become a nightmare for an unprepared adventurer. Quite often Haiku's trail is in the clouds, which gives this route mystery and, we can say, even a mystical mystery.

On one of the trail peaks, a military radio station was created, which transmitted signals to the US Navy submarines. However, in 1952 the work of the station was completed.

To date, the trail is officially closed, but in order to admire the Hawaiian beauty, tourists are ready to repeatedly violate all prohibitions.

In 2003, the authorities managed to carry out a large-scale reconstruction of the route, but due to bureaucratic delays the track was never officially opened, although the measures to restore the staircase were large and cost the treasury almost 900 thousand dollars.

Nevertheless, such mysteriousness and inaccessibility of the route makes it even more attractive for both locals and visitors.

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