How do you take a poll if you only have WhatsApp?

Arranging a trip with three friends is easy: create a group chat on Facebook and choose a place. But what if all the participants use WhatsApp with no voting options?

Woman, business, phone, laptop

Chat2Desk has fixed this and now you can create free polls on WhatsApp on the basis of a chat center.

How do polls on WhatsApp work?

Since there's no special "Create Poll" button in WhatsApp, votes are created in a separate number +48 735 062 996. Add this number to your contacts, open a chat, send the word "create" and follow the instructions:

Step 1 of 4.

Send a topic of your poll".

Step 2 of 2.

How many answers will be in your poll? We recommend to include the 'Other (send your answer)' answer option because these polls allow voters to send their own answers.

Send a number from 2 to 10."

Step 3 of 4.

“Send the first answer option in your poll. Example: To a movie. To start over send Create.”

In this step you are to input the answer options one by one.

After you complete the steps the voting starts. You will also receive a message informing you of this, with a link to this chat and instructions for voting. The message will contain the link

Along with this, WhatsApp will tell you if the answer choices have prefixes. The prefix is a letter in front of the option number, for example: d1, d2, d3.

Why do we need prefixes?

Polls are created for everyone on the same number. If many people run many polls at the same time, WhatsApp may mix up the answers and show incorrect results. Prefixes help separate the votes and relate them to each poll.

Now you need to collect the votes.

Forward the message with variants and link to your participants. Their task is to follow the link and enter their variant. If there are many participants and they are not on your phone, sew this link into a QR code and show it on the big screen.

The participants will only have to follow the link and send the variant of the answer they want. They can do it during 23 hours, after which the voting will be finished automatically.

Each new vote will be sent to you in the same instant messaging chat.

When are these polls also useful:

  • Weddings and corporate parties. Hold a contest with your guests: hold a special quiz and invite your guests to vote.

  • Conferences. Invite attendees to choose an area of expertise - so you can get to know your audience better. This also works if you're hosting webinars.

  • Communicating with customers. If you're an entrepreneur or own a business, you can collect feedback from customers.

WhatsApp is a messenger used by 2 billion people worldwide.

The Chat2Desk team has expanded the capabilities of one of the most popular apps and made WhatsApp voting free for everyone.

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