Protect yourself and help community: why you need a contact tracing app during COVID-19 pandemic

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic it is important to be kept up to date on your environment.

covid-19, coronavirus, distance, park, meadow
The COVID-19 pandemic indisputably concerns everyone. You may feel anxious about health and responsible for your loved ones’ safety. An effective way to influence the situation is the usage of contact tracing apps.

Work Principles

The mission of contact tracing apps is halting the pandemic expansion. An individual who has become ill can anonymously report it. The person will remain incognito: no one will know his identity and location. The app will scan the people around and save the data which will be automatically deleted in 14 days. The users will be warned of a possible exposure if they are in a close contact with an infected person.

Different apps may understand “close contact” as various periods and distances. On average, it is 2 meters for at least 15 minutes. This simple scheme functions in most of contact tracing apps (e.g: GuideSafe). The advantages of these apps are diverse: they facilitate your safety during an unfavourable epidemiological situation and enable you to help community.

Business protection

Safety during the pandemic of COVID-19 is a priority for any company. Contact tracing apps are created to support individuals as well as companies. opun develops effective software solutions for business helping you keep customers safe and support employees.

Opun products aim at gathering and sharing real-time data, building a confident community and supporting economic recovery. Currently opun works on a complex software application suitable for private individuals and corporations.

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