We grow lemon on the windowsill
In indoor conditions where the temperature is even warm, too much carbon dioxide accumulates 23 times more than on the street. Indoor plants, such as regular lemon, can help in the fight against carbon dioxide.
Of the fruit plants in the room, citrus fruits well. Of these, the lemon is most easily taken root.
For room culture in the northern and middle zones of our country, Pavlovsky and Maikop lemon varieties have proven themselves well.
Pavlovsky variety has long been grown by residents of the city of Pavlov, Nizhny Novgorod region. This is a small plant, well adapted to indoor conditions, even with little sunlight. The fruits are relatively large, oval, in most cases seedless, with a thin aromatic peel. The yield is small (20-30 fruits from a tree), in exceptional cases gives up to 120 fruits. Propagated mainly by cuttings, and partially layering. "Maykop" indoor lemons are well adapted to indoor conditions, fruitful and give tasty fruits. These lemons can be recommended for the southern and central regions.
A simple and accessible method of propagation for everyone, giving every lover the opportunity to grow a tree in himself, which begins to bear fruit already in the 2-3rd year of life - propagation by cuttings.
Most of the good indoor lemons available are mainly derived from cuttings. Cuttings of other citrus fruits, such as oranges and especially tangerines, are rooted poorly.
For cuttings take ripened young shoots of lemon 4-5 mm thick from the best fruiting trees. Cuttings cut 8-12 cm long with 3-5 kidneys. In this case, the upper section is made 2-3 mm above the kidney, and the lower one is slightly lower than the kidney. Root cuttings can be in boxes, pots.
Boxes with cuttings are covered with glass, and cuttings in pots are covered with glass jars or glasses. Cuttings for rooting are planted in sand to a depth of 2-3 cm, and in a pot - a little deeper - 3-4 cm. In room conditions, cuttings of citrus plants are best rooted in pots with a diameter of 10-12 cm so that they grow there after rooting before the transplant.
The soil
A mixture of land for rooting cuttings (and for young seedlings) is best made up of one part of washed river sand, one part of leaf or one part of turf land and one part of well-rotted manure.
Sand is needed to ensure good air and water permeability of the soil. It should be borne in mind that the initial lump of land usually stays for a long time with a transplanted tree (transshipment) and the sand will not allow the earth to become too compact.
For complete survival, the plant should be placed in a bright, but not sunny place. In the summer, especially the first time after planting, 2-3 times a day it is necessary to spray the cuttings with water at room temperature.
Watering and fertilizer
Water 1-2 times a day. For better survival, the plant can be covered with a glass jar or a bag of plastic film.
It is watered only with warm water, wetting the entire earthen lump so that drops of water appear on the windowsill. Never allow both the drying of the earth, and excessive moisture.
Once a week, plants are bathed in a basin or bath, washing the leaves with water at room temperature. Citrus fruits are fed at least three times a month with a ten-day infusion of horse manure diluted with water (1:10). For better fruiting, watered with a solution of wood ash (a glass of ash in a bucket of water).
Fruit houseplants have many enemies: scale insects, spider mites, aphids. In indoor conditions it is difficult to deal with them, since the pest in a warm room gives several generations a year.
Therefore, you should regularly monitor the status of each branch, paying special attention to the leaves, looking at them from the back side, where the scabbard and spider mite most often settle.
At the first appearance of pests, all shoots and leaves are thoroughly wiped with a cloth moistened with a soap emulsion or a pink solution of potassium permanganate, destroying tiny ones. subtle larvae.
Apply a tobacco solution (50-60 grams of tobacco are boiled for 30-40 minutes, the cooled and strained infusion is diluted with 3-4 times the amount of water). Toxic chemicals should not be used even in a critical case.
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