LED lamp, a new milestone in energy saving

The LED, in the usual sense of all, is far from a new invention, and only in recent years, more and more lamps began to appear, based on this semiconductor ...

LED lamp
More recently, there have been heated discussions about energy-saving fluorescent lamps as an alternative light source as opposed to conventional incandescent lamps. And here, sneaking up imperceptibly, suddenly another, though not at all a new invention, an LED lighting source, suddenly declares itself.

Back in 1985, LED manufacturers were able to boast of an increase in light flux up to 10 lm. It was then that LEDs became powerful enough to be used as independent lighting elements.

And by the end of the 1990s, the power of LEDs exceeded 30 lm / W, it was from that moment that LED lamps became a worthy competitor to fluorescent lamps and incandescent lamps.

How does an LED lamp work?

This lighting device has a set of common sizes of socles E14, E27, E40.
The luminous part of the lamp has a different number of LEDs (depending on the power) combined in one deflector or bulb.

The LED itself is a semiconductor device, the action of which is based on the phenomenon of emission of photons, which occurs during the recombination of carriers of opposite charges in the contact area of ​​semiconductor materials with different types of conductivity (the so-called pn junction)

The glow temperature of LED lamps varies from 3000 to 6000 Kelvin (accordingly, you can choose both a familiar light bulb with a warm glow, and a bright one with a cold light)

Pros of LED lamps

The LED lamp has an undeniable superiority over incandescent and fluorescent lamps.

It has the longest service life of up to 50 thousand hours, when used on average about 5 hours per day, the LED lamp should last about 30 years.

LED lamps are shock and vibration resistant, do not contain substances harmful to health.

Not unimportantly, there is no flicker in LED lamps, as well as ultraviolet and infrared radiation. All this makes them completely harmless to the eyes.

Has a wide range of operating voltage (from 80 to 230 V)

And most importantly, cost-effectiveness. With a power consumption of 8 watts. The LED lamp gives a light output comparable to that of a 75W incandescent lamp.

Cons of LED bulbs

Probably they are not, although there is no minus all the same, this is the price.

Today, the cost of an LED lamp is really high, and it is the high cost that slows down the rapid introduction of these lamps into our daily life.

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